Pandemic Is Overwhelming U.S. Public Health Capability In Many States. What Now?

When the coronavirus pandemic started, public health specialists had excessive hopes for the US. In any case, the U.S. actually invented the techniques which were used for many years to quash outbreaks around the globe: Shortly establish everybody who will get contaminated. Observe down everybody uncovered to the virus. Take a look at everybody. Isolate the sick and quarantine the uncovered to cease the virus from spreading.

The hope was a rich nation like the USA would deploy these tried-and-true measures to quickly include the virus — like rapidly dousing each ember from a campfire to maintain it from erupting right into a forest fire.

Testing, contact tracing and isolation are the techniques getting used efficiently to crush outbreaks in international locations like South Korea and Germany. However, these locations by no means had the extent of case surges many U.S. states at the moment are experiencing.